Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Next Great Baker Season 2!

I am considering that I should take my talents and just go ahead and sign up to be a contestant for The Next Great Baker Season 2....scary, but I have been told that I should just do it. What do you think? Was there ever anything that you had to overcome your fears with and have a story that you can share with me...Let me know...


  1. Joanne Douds commented on Wednesday, July 06, 2011 11:49 PM
    You should definitely do it! You are so talented. I have overcome my fear of heights by doing the things I fear the most. I have repelled from 300 ft. off a cliff, taken to some of the scariest roller coasters, zip-lined through the jungle of Panama, and crossed a valley hand over hand upside down on a rope line. If I could have done that, you can certainly be in the Next Great Baker Season 2. I will be watching for you!

  2. Felecia Weber commented on Monday, July 11, 2011 9:09 AM
    Yes, definitely GO FOR IT!!! You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain! Being an artist, I know exposing your passion and talents to others, not knowing what their reactions will be, can be very scary. I've learned this when I've stepped out and entered art shows. But you know what? I have never ever regretted taking that "next step" because, no matter what the outcome, you will have gained the confidence and courage to step out farther and accomplish more and more as you go along! All the best to you! :-)
